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Super 72 en 1

Super 72 en 1

1- duck shoot

2- Wild Gun Man

3- Hogans Alley

4- Galaxian

5- Ice Climber

6- Binary Lamd

7- Tetris II

8- super Galaxian

9- Ice Man

10- Ice Cimber

11- Ice fighting

12- Hit The Ice

13- Ice adventure

14- Binary Land

15- Binary Adventure

16- Easy Land

17- Land Of Binary

18- web Fight

19- Galaxian A

20- Galaxian B

21- Galaxian C

22- Galaxian D

23- Strong bees

24- Ice Fight

25- Ice Man II

26- Ice Climber H

27- Ace adventure

28- Binary Land

29- Fight Web

30- Web Land

31- Web Adventure

32- Binary Land J

33- speed galaxian

34- Strong Galaxian

35- Quick GalaXian

36- Fast Galaxian

37- Space Invader

38- Ice Land

39- Ice Climber L

40- Funny Ice Climber

41- quick Ice man

42- Funny Ace man

43- Binary Land K

44- Binary Land L

45- Binary Land M

46- Funny Binary

47- Funny Web

48- Galaxian

49- Space Invader II

50- Space attack II

51- Space defencer

52- Space defencer II

53- Ice man I

54- Ice Man II

55- Ice Climber II

56- Ice Fight II

57- Ice adv II

58- Pengun

59- Pengun II

60- Pengun III

61- Pengun Land

62- Pengun Land II

63- Strong Glaxian II

64- Speed Galaxian II

65- Space attack III

66- Space Defence III

67- Space Galaxian

68- Ice man

69- Penguin 

70- Galaxian

71- Penguin Land II